About Kanha Kisli National Park - Kanha Kisli National Park, Kanha National Park, Hotel in Kanha Park



Forest of Kanha Kisli National Park

Flowers in Kanha National Park

Largely due to the combination of landforms and soil types, and the moist character of the region, Kanha is very rich in floral diversity. Kanha has over 600 species of flowering plants. The Reserve also has around 50 species of aquatic plants and 18 species of rare plants.

The streams are fringed with thick bamboo breaks and tall mango. The upper slopes carry mixed jungle with numerous mahul (Bauhinia vahlii) climbers crowning the trees with foliage and their swinging stems spanning the spaces between trees. The tree tops look white when mahul is in flower in summer. There are many tree species, of which bija and dhaora are specially remarkable. The forests on the upper slopes are particularly picturesque in winter.

Bamboo Trees in Kanha National Park
Sal Trees in Kanha National Park

In the middle slopes, bamboo grows abundantly. In the lower slopes, pure stands of sal replace the mixed woodlands. The valleys are covered with dense stands of sal alternating with grassy meadows. The plateaux, though essentially grasslands, have sporadic growth of fruit-bearing trees such as achar, aonla and tendu. The nalas are moist and shady with thick bamboo breaks and tall mango, jamun and arjun trees.